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5 Tips to Reduce Hair and Scalp Damage with Ponytails - TELETIES

5 Tips to Reduce Hair and Scalp Damage with Ponytails

Ponytails are a go-to hairstyle as they only take a second to do, your hair stays out of the way so you can play sports, cook, or relax, and they look great. But ponytails can also lead to headaches when worn too tight, hair breakage from the pressure and friction when you use non-covered styling bands as recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology, and traction alopecia when you wear them too tight or too often.

This study on women in China that wear ponytails regularly also shows a direct correlation to frontal hair loss and wearing a ponytail. With that said, there’s no need to worry.

No, Cutting Your Hair Doesn’t Make it Grow Faster - TELETIES

No, Cutting Your Hair Doesn’t Make it Grow Faster

No, cutting your hair does not make it grow faster as hair growth is controlled by your genetics, specifically the Lhx2 gene which is in charge of the rate of hair growth, the health of your hair follicleshow well nourished your body is, as well as your agediet and getting the right nutrients to restore hair growth, and your lifestyle. This hair myth likely began as a result of hair dressers telling clients they need to cut or trim their hair in order for them to grow it out.

Cutting your hair is necessary for growing long hair because it removes the split ends. Because hair is dead and cannot repair, the split ends cannot be repaired naturally and will continue to climb the strand damaging it. By cutting them off you’re able to continue to grow your hair out. Instead of explaining the entire process, it is easier to say you need a trim.

The Types of Hair Ties and When to Use Each - TELETIES

The Types of Hair Ties and When to Use Each

There’s no shortage of types of hair ties to choose from, but each is designed with a specific purpose and use. Some have metal bars on them while others are made from absorbent materials, and some are spirals vs. a round elastic band.

Below you’ll find each of the main types of hair ties, what their intended uses are, and some of the benefits or negatives of each.

Why Hair Frizzes in the Winter - TELETIES

Why Hair Frizzes in the Winter

Frizzy hair can happen in the winter because of a lack of moisture from the cold winter air and the overuse of heated tools. Frizzy hair in winter is likely the result of dry hair swelling and curling as it absorbs moisture from the air creating the frizz.

It is similar to static hair which is caused by the static electricity build up from wearing winter hats and from scarves rubbing against your locks. Because beanie caps and other static conducting materials are worn in winter, static hair may be more common in this season.

5 Holiday Hairstyles Your Kids Can Do Together - TELETIES

5 Holiday Hairstyles Your Kids Can Do Together

The holidays are here and if you want to take time back or have “me time”, we can help. are always welcome. We’ve put together five hairstyles that are easy enough for kids to do so they stay busy, get ready for holiday parties, and you can take a breather.

Each hairstyle incorporates accessories that add pops of holiday colors, and are fun to do. One option is to demonstrate how to do the style, and then let them practice. Or share this post and let them follow along.

How Being Hydrated Helps Keep Hair Growing Healthy - TELETIES

How Being Hydrated Helps Keep Hair Growing Healthy

When you hear about keeping hydrated for healthy hair, it can either mean hydrating your locks with hair masks and oils, or keeping your body hydrated so your scalp and follicles can grow healthy hair. Both are important, but in order to keep the hair you see healthy, you need to first focus on where it develops in your body which may require proper hydration.

When your body is hydrated 
it can keep a steady blood pressure which allows your red blood cells to transport oxygen via iron and essential nutrients to your scalp and follicles. In addition to transporting oxygen, iron has been seen to impact keratin formation, and assists the cells in producing new hair.

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