Hair Dusting to Help You Grow Long, Healthy Hair - TELETIES

Hair Dusting to Help You Grow Long, Healthy Hair

Hair dusting, not to be confused with a hair trim, is a cutting technique that can help you reduce split ends without sacrificing the length of your hard-earned growth.

Dusting is an ideal solution for preserving hair length and it’s a safe option if your favorite hairstylist tends to be too aggressive in the trimming department. Knowing the difference between a haircut, a hair trim, and hair dusting can be helpful when describing your hair goals to your hairdresser, so they know what you expect and your appointment goes as planned.

  • A haircut is removing hair to create a shape and style.
  • A trim is removing ½-2 inches from the ends of the hair.
  • Hair dusting is trimming back split ends from the hair strand to stop them from spreading.

The Benefits of Hair Dusting

Since growing out hair can be a long-term endeavor, and split ends cannot repair themselves, the benefits of dusting or “polishing” the hair shaft by snipping off the damaged ends means you can:

  • Save money by dusting at home to extend the time between a trim or cut.
  • Focus on the parts of hair that are split by only eliminating the broken ends.
  • Maintain healthy looking hair and encouraging growth by stopping the breakage from climbing.

And you’ll know it’s time to dust your hair when you find tiny pieces of hair on your shoulders after brushing. If this is happening, here’s how to freshen up your locks with hair dusting.

How to Dust Your Hair

  1. Start with hair that is dry and straight.
  2. Section your hair into thirds using the top as one section and splitting the middle into two sides.
    1. hair ties and hair clips make sectioning your hair easy.
  3. Stand in front of your mirror, release one of the three sections, and gently twist a small section of hair until you can see the split ends sticking out.
  4. Trim back the split end and repeat until you have finished the section.
  5. Now repeat on the other two sections of hair.

Pro-tip: For the best results use good quality and sharp hair shear so the cut is clean and doesn’t create more split ends.

Hair dusting is a great solution that allows you to keep your hair healthy while you’re trying to grow it out. And dusting extends the time between hair salon appointments helping you save money. If you found this guide helpful, subscribe below for more just like it.

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