8 Fun Facts About Hair Follicles

4 Min Read
8 Fun Facts About Hair Follicles - TELETIES

One of the things that we cherish most is our hair, which starts its life under the skin in a hair follicle. But did you know that there’s even more to the magic of this microscopic cylinder like the fact that we have more than 5,000,000 of them when we’re born, and they can be transplanted to grow hair on other parts of our bodies?

Hair follicles are where the root of your hair receives the nourishment it needs to grow. When you have healthy follicles they can nourish your hair so your hair can reach its full potential.

Here are eight interesting and fun facts about hair follicles that you can share at trivia night, as an ice breaker, or just for fun.

1. Follicles are Made Up of 20 Types of Cells

Hair follicles are composed of 20 different cells that each have distinct functions. Three of the most important cells that are important for hair growth are the:

2. We Are Born with More than 5 Million Hair Follicles

That’s right! Five million hair follicles are found on our bodies with over one million hair follicles on our heads. On average, a person has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs growing on his or her head that can produce up to eight strands of hair for two to five years.

3. The Color of Hair Produced by Follicles Depends on Genetics and Melanin

Your genetic makeup tells each follicle the amount of melanin your body should produce to determine your hair color. Basically, the message sent from your hair follicles determines your hair color.

If you have an abundance of a type of melanin called eumelanin, you’ll have black or brown hair. An abundance of pheomelanin gives people red hair.

4. Hair Follicles Produce Keratin and Assist in Healing Wounds

Hair produced from follicles is composed of the same material (keratin) that makes up a tooth or a bird’s claw, and each hair follicle contains enough stem cells to assist in healing wounds and for skin restoration applications that can help burn victims.

5. 95% of Human Skin Has Hair

Hair follicles are busy because humans have a ton of hair! In fact, on average, each person has approximately 2,200 strands of hair per square inch (1 inch x 1 inch) on their scalp.

To calculate the approximate number of hairs on your head, choose one square inch area of your head and have someone count the number of hairs inside the square. Next you’ll need to determine the surface area on your scalp in square inches.

One method to help you determine the surface area of your scalp is to place your hands on your head. Two hands for the hairline at the top of your head extending back, two hands for the back of your head extending up, and 1/2 hand for each side (left and right) of your head. This should total five hands.

Now calculate the number of square inches (here's a calculator to help) on the top of your hand from wrist to fingertips. Then add the total number of hairs on your head by timesing the number of hairs in a square inch x total hand size square inches (5 hands x measured square inches) = approximate number of hairs on your head.

Example: 1,200 hairs per square inch x (one hand 20 square inches x 5 hands) 100 square inches = 120,000 hairs.

Keep in mind that hair density (number of hairs) can differ based on factors like age, race, and genetics.

6. Hair Follicles are Actually an Organ

This remarkable mammalian organ produces hair in three ongoing phases. At any one time, about 85% of our hairs are in the anagen, or first phase of hair growth, 2% are in the catagen, or resting phase, and 13% are in the telogen, or shedding phase which you can learn about here.

7. Hair Follicles Secrete Sebum

Sebum is an oily substance produced by sebaceous glands associated with the follicles. Sebum is a hair’s best friend as it helps lubricate, protect, and waterproof the hair and skin.

8. Damaged Hair Follicles Can Repair Themselves

If hair follicles are damaged in an injury, it is possible for them to repair themselves so that hair will grow back within four years. Unfortunately the hair that does grow back is thinner and more fragile than before the injury. But there is good news.

Hair follicles can continue growing hair if transplanted from one part of the body to another. This is one of the ways that hair transplants and regrowth companies help you to keep your hair growing strong in the areas you want, and looking great!

Wherever you have hair on your body, you have hair follicles. The choreography of hair growth is as amazing as your hair, so learning as much as you can about its facts and functions can not only lead to interesting table talk, but also to more beautiful hair.