Terry Cloth Scrunchie Collection

Perfect for wet or dry hair, TELETIES terry cloth scrunchies keep your hair looking great after a swim, day at the beach, or a shower, while helping to prevent frizz. Each contains a signature TELETIES hair coil & slip-resistant band to keep the scrunchie in place. The terry cloth is gentle to the touch & on your hair.

Antigua Large Terry Cloth Scrunchie - Large Scrunchie - TELETIES

Antigua Large Terry Cloth Scrunchie

Large Scrunchie


Antigua Small Terry Cloth Scrunchie - Small Scrunchie - TELETIES

Antigua Small Terry Cloth Scrunchie

Small Scrunchie


Aruba Large Terry Cloth Scrunchie - Large Scrunchie - TELETIES

Aruba Large Terry Cloth Scrunchie

Large Scrunchie


Aruba Small Terry Cloth Scrunchie - Small Scrunchie - TELETIES

Aruba Small Terry Cloth Scrunchie

Small Scrunchie


Bora Bora Large Terry Cloth Scrunchie - Large Scrunchie - TELETIES

Bora Bora Large Terry Cloth Scrunchie

Large Scrunchie


Bora Bora Small Terry Cloth Scrunchie - Small Scrunchie - TELETIES

Bora Bora Small Terry Cloth Scrunchie

Small Scrunchie


Jet Black Terry Cloth Scrunchie Large - Large Scrunchie - TELETIES

Jet Black Terry Cloth Scrunchie Large

Large Scrunchie


Jet Black Terry Cloth Scrunchie Small - Small Scrunchie - TELETIES

Jet Black Terry Cloth Scrunchie Small

Small Scrunchie
