Vitamin D and its Impact on Hair Loss and Growth

2 Min Read
Vitamin D and its Impact on Hair Loss and Growth - TELETIES

Vitamin D and its role in both helping hair grow and preventing hair loss are synonymous as Vitamin D is used for signaling pathways to grow new hair from the follicles, used in the production of keratin which is what your hair is made of, is pivotal for the creation of new hair follicles, and having healthy follicles can grow your hair thicker and healthier. So in short yes, Vitamin D at the right amounts may help prevent hair loss and help with new hair growth.

Fun fact: Hair follicles can heal themselves once damaged, but the hair does not grow back as full, thick, or as lifelike as it was, so growing new hair follicles is vital to helping you reach your hair potential.

There are countless studies from around the world like the ones above and this one showing Vitamin D’s benefits for stopping different types of hair loss from common alopecias to diffuse hair loss (also known as Telogen Effluvium). And this all results from Vitamin D’s role in growing healthy hair.

How Vitamin D Helps Grow Hair

It starts with how your body absorbs Vitamin D which is primarily through the skin and via keratinocytes. The “keratin” in “keratinocytes” are what produce the keratin your hair is made from.

And keratinocytes are what help your body grow hair follicles, so the keratin proteins can become strands of hair. When you have the right amount of Vitamin D, you set your body up to produce healthy hair follicles that can grow healthy hair.

The only way to know if you have a deficiency in Vitamin D is by visiting your doctor for a test. So even if you show signs of a deficiency in your hair like hair loss, it could be something different. The good news is that getting enough vitamin D is easy if a deficiency is the “root” of your hair loss problems.

The first is through good old sunshine, and don’t worry, sunscreen has been tested to see if it blocks your ability to absorb and produce it.  Sunscreen does not have a negative effect on vitamin D absorption, especially when compared to the benefits of using sunscreen correctly. If you can’t get natural Vitamin D from the sun, you can always try supplements if your doctor thinks this is a good idea.

Not a fan of supplements and there’s no sunshine available? No problem! There are plenty of foods rich in Vitamin D including other hair healthy ones like:

  • Salmon and fatty fish
  • Egg yolks
  • Some cheeses
  • Some mushrooms that have been treated with UV light
  • Fortified foods and beverages like milk
It’s easy to add a couple bowls of fortified cereals and milk to your morning routines to get extra Vitamin D. Why not enjoy some cheeses and hard boiled eggs for a snack or lunch?  You can always treat yourself to a pan seared salmon at dinner time or as a topper on a salad. You’ll be feeding your appetite and your hair follicles at the same time.

Vitamin D plays an important role in hair growth and preventing hair loss, and now you know why and how. If you found this hair guide interesting, join our newsletter below for more content just like it.